Arrests from first week of summer drink and drug drive campaign

A summer drink and drug drive campaign, launched in Northamptonshire to coincide with the 2018 FIFA World Cup, has resulted in 11 people being arrested within its first week.
A period of increased enforcement activity was announced earlier this month as part of Operation Ticket, a wider programme of policing activities aimed at keeping the public safe from harm during the football season.
Between 15th and 21st June, the first week of escalated patrols on the lookout for drivers under the influence of drink or drugs, 11 people were arrested for these offences.
Eight people were arrested for drink driving, and three motorists were arrested for drug drive offences.
Enforcement activities, including roadside breath and drug tests, have been carried out at different times of day in an effort to track down those who have been driving under the influence.
PC Dave Lee, of the Safer Roads Team, said: “The World Cup is always a very social time, with many people choosing to spend time with family and friends either at home or in a local pub, watching the latest match and having a few drinks.
“What we would ask is that people also spare a thought for their own safety and the safety of others by not drinking and driving, and not driving under the influence of drugs.
“People should also remember the penalties of being caught drink driving, one of which is a driver losing their licence for a minimum of 12 months.
“It is very easy to organise a designated driver, or take a taxi or other form of public transport home if you have been drinking. Also, remember that a heavy drinking session could mean you are still over the limit the following day. Sleep does not make a person sober.”
Last year, 709 motorists were caught driving while under the influence of alcohol in Northamptonshire. A total of 46 drivers were caught drug driving.
To find out more about the laws regarding drink and drug driving, visit: drink-driving.html